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This year, the 120th anniversary of Spedition Meidel was celebrated in a small setting.
"Helping is powerful," as the Johanniter (a German charitable organization) say, who have been successfully teaching children in daycare, kindergarten, school, or youth groups first aid for years. They are supported in this by...
Not only CO2 savings and increased efficiency thus contribute to sustainability
your digital voucher copy Coloring and work books can save lives
Here is the article: https://www.blick.de/mittelsachsen/die-hochschule-mittweida-bringt-humanitaere-hilfe-in-die-ukraine-artikel12046167
3,600m² covered storage area
Parents' Initiative for Children with Leukemia Suhl/Erfurt e. V."
New hall for paper from Kriebethal grows in Waldheim
Major donation reaches Saxony - Beiersdorf AG donates hand disinfectants
On February 28, 2020, the Meidel Group will bid farewell to its highly deserving colleague Mr. Detlef Bresk, who can now enjoy a well-deserved retirement.