We are looking for:

Truck Drivers, M/F/D

Corporate Forms

  • GmbH = Company with Limited Liability
  • GmbH & Co = limited partnership
  • GmbH & Co KG = limited partnership with a private limited company as general partner (LCP, LLC)
  • mbH = Limited (ltd.)
  • KG = limited commercial partnership


Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (abbreviated GmbH, in Austria also GesmbH or Ges.m.b.H.), German for "company with limited liability", is a type of legal entity very common in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and other German-speaking Central European countries.


The name of the GmbH form emphasizes the fact that the owners (Gesellschafter, also known as members) of the entity are not personally liable for the company's debts. GmbHs are considered legal persons under German and Austrian law. Other variations include mbH (used when the term Gesellschaft is part of the company name itself), and gGmbH (gemeinnützige GmbH) for non-profit companies.

The GmbH has become the most common corporation form in Germany, since the AG (Aktiengesellschaft), the other major company form corresponding to a stock corporation, was until recently much more complicated to form and operate. 


Responsible Regarding Website Contents


Meidel Verwaltungs- und Beteiligungs-GmbH
D-97348 Markt Einersheim
Possenheimer Straße 13
Tel.: +49 9326 9711-0

Fax: +49 9326 9711-25



Executive Partners:

Gunter Meidel, Kerstin Meidel


USt-ID: DE 229 419 313

HRB  8055 AG Kitzingen


Overall Production


keller.mitausblick GmbH
97941 Tauberbischofsheim
